How long to wait before dating after a breakup

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Paulette Kouffman Sherman, Psy. Tammi Baliszewski — 3. But is this the anon time. Sex and dating after a long-term relationship breakup can be nerve wracking. So how do you manage this daunting experience. In other words, you need solo time to be ready for the next. I wrote this article in response to a reader who met dating a guy a few days after he broke up with his ex-girlfriend.

Breakups are never easy, and there is a lot to think about and process once you find yourself single again. Is it best to wait a month? JK, JK, but really — it's hard to know how long to wait. If you , are you just rebounding? Really, all of these questions are super legit and hard to really answer without getting expert opinion, which is why I asked 13 experts: again after a breakup? In classic life fashion, all of the experts gave a different number. While some thought it's best to get right back in there, others really maintained that giving yourself a lot of time and space — two to three months for every year you were together with your last partner, for example — is the smartest and most honest way to go, especially if you really want to be. Read on to discover 13 love and relationship experts' advice as to to date again. After a big breakup is a good time to journal, read good self-help books, and perhaps get counseling as a way to grow. Dating, when you feel ready, can be a good way of practicing the new skills you are learning as you acquire awareness about yourself. Romance, psychotherapist and author of , tells Bustle. And be sure to take enough time to feel the pain. If you're out there looking for a love fix and you're harboring angry feelings from your last relationship, that's what you're putting out there. Taking a more clinical approach to the whole thing, White adds that there is a formula that you can keep in mind as a good rule of thumb if you want something more specific. In other words, you need solo time to be ready for the next. Just don't rebound, whatever you do. Take time off until you can appreciate each date for what he or she has to offer.

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